• Elevator Girls

    Updated: 2012-09-29 10:18:15
    In an old New York Times essay a journalist commemorated the Japanese elevator girl’s voice as being especially piercing and high pitched. Other Americans have similarly made fun of this feminized service occupation, describing it as a particularly extraneous and vacuous job. Japan’s first elevator girls appeared in 1929, when the newly reopened Ueno branch [...]

  • OAC Online Seminar: Ted Fischer on “The Good Life”

    Updated: 2012-09-27 19:00:45
    The Open Anthropology Cooperative (OAC) is a great source for open access content, especially through its publishing arm, the OAC Press.  To me, this is one of the most promising efforts in Open Access anthropology out there–and I think more people need to take note of what’s going on over there.  There is tremendous potential [...]

  • Keeping it Honest

    Updated: 2012-09-25 03:28:03
    At a regional Asian Studies conference recently there was a roundtable event held to highlight a documentary film on L. Keith Brown, professor of anthropology emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh. The film, produced and directed by David Plath, is “Can’t Go Native?” Keith was there on hand to answer questions about his long engagement with [...]

  • Trivializing the girl stuff

    Updated: 2012-09-17 11:45:27
    In the 1990s when I shifted my research focus away from business interactions in Japan to the beauty industry, I was criticized by some anthropology colleagues, especially male ones and the archeologists and biological anthropologists. In Japan, older people I met said my decision was a waste—all those years of studying the Japanese language just [...]

  • Sunday Open Thread: Not enough anthropology?

    Updated: 2012-09-17 00:03:07
    I tried an open thread here on SM a while back, and it worked out pretty well.  Time for another one?   Let’s give it a go. So…a couple of readers have posted new comments (here and here) about the content here on SM.  They argue that there has been a bit too much coverage of [...]

  • Nature Publishing Group science journals jobs and information

    Updated: 2012-09-16 01:13:56
    , , Jump to main content Publications A-Z index Browse by subject My account Submit Manuscript Register Subscribe Login Cart Search Advanced search Nature Publishing Group science journals , jobs , and information Nature journal Nature journal Contents 13 Sep 12 Nature journal Podcasts Nature journal Videos 15 September 2012 Ivan Vakarelski How to boil water without bubbles A specially engineered surface that can allow liquids to boil without bubbling is described in Nature this . week Latest news The astronomical unit gets fixed Birds sound the alarm on West Nile Virus HIV vaccine trials struggle to enrol women More news from Latest research Restoration of auditory evoked responses by human ES-cell-derived otic progenitors Source : Nature Oral tolerance to food protein this content is

  • Teaching anthropology in the coming years

    Updated: 2012-09-15 01:17:21
    Are we preparing the next crop of anthropology PhDs who enter American academe to deal with the great shift in educational culture? With some states trying to pass laws that will enable students to excuse themselves from learning scientific concepts, what sort of undergraduates will populate US universities in the future? How is this going [...]

  • Anthrosource is still #Fail

    Updated: 2012-09-14 04:14:29
    The “new” Anthrosource came out in January of 2009, and made Chris Kelty cry. In three and a half years it still hasn’t been fixed. Why not? Do the following experiment. Pick a keyword and search for it on Anthrosource. Done? How many hits did you get? OK, now go to Wiley and search just [...]

  • I don’t think I like my fieldwork site

    Updated: 2012-09-13 15:47:06
    What if we don’t like our fieldwork site? I’m not only talking about “failed research” or the problems of doing fieldwork discussed by Amy Pollard.  Her study of graduate students doing their first research projects revealed that many felt lonely, fearful, frustrated, depressed, trapped, and paranoid. I have in mind an additional issue: I don’t [...]

  • Being more than an “administrative convenience”

    Updated: 2012-09-11 18:30:09
    This is a brief post to keep the conversation about adjuncts, anthropology, and academia going.  Check out this piece over at Anthropology News* about the “Challenges to Organizing Academic Labor.”  Here is one choice selection to think about: Eli Thorkelson (U Chicago) and Ryan Cook (Saint Xavier U) observed that accepting the culture of academia [...]

  • A First Rate Podcast: Artisan Ancestors Visits the Summer Institute in Museum Anthropology

    Updated: 2012-09-03 01:57:09
    A perfect example of how scholarly research in folklore and anthropology can be made accessible and interesting for a wider audience is the Artisan Ancestors podcast produced and hosted by my friend and colleague Jon Kay. (Jon is, among other roles, the Director of Traditional Arts Indiana.) If you have not yet encountered the Artisan [...]

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